Princess Cynthia wanted to test how strong her slave was. So she made him lift her high. She sat on his shoulders as he struggled to carry her around. She warned him against dropping her. If that were to happen, he would curse the day he was born. So the slave did his best to make sure she did not fall. Then she rode him like a pony and whipped him.
Mistress Jamie-Kare was bored and did not have anything to do that day. She looked around and instead of finding what to do, she saw her slave and she began thinking of what she could do to him for fun. She settled on humiliating him and using him as her human pony. she crushed his face with her boots as she rode him and whipped him at will ignoring his cries of pain.
This slave acted as if he was above his mistresses. He was not obedient and he ignored instructions. And since he had never been punished, he did not think he needed to be told anything by his mistresses. Fed up with his behavior, the mistresses taught him a cruel lesson. They whipped his butt and left red marks all over it. They also rode him like a pony just to add salt to injury.
Mistresses Beverly and Stellina had tried all kinds of punishment methods for their slave. They were bored of doing them over and over again. Just before they were about to let their slave scot-free, mistress Beverly suggested they try riding their slave like a pony. They did and humiliated him a great deal. He had to endure the weight of the two mistresses as they humiliated and tortured him by turning him into a human pony.